A lymphatic drain massage with candles
A lymphatic drain massage with candles
Iava's welcoming entrance
Iava's welcoming entrance
Iava is a strong supporter of local makers
Iava is a strong supporter of local makers
I spy an amber glass candle
I spy an amber glass candle
Iava's Signature Candle
Iava's Signature Candle
Grounding Aromatherapy

When I asked Chelsey Oryniuk, Owner of iava wellness, which scent profile she loved, she immediately went to patchouli, cedarwood, and orange. I quickly learned (and agreed) this was a harmonious scent profile and we sought out to perfect the ratio of fragrance for Iava's signature candle. 
iava wellness has a holistic offering of services for body and spirit ailments, like massage therapy, accupuncture, reiki, subconcious imprinting technique, yoga, and access bars. The deep breathes of scent can elevate an experience so it was important to use fragrance that was paraffin and phthalate-free.
The glow of the amber glass warms any space with a light cedar citrus aroma. My favourite part about the iava signature candle is the crackling wood wick, which reminds me of camping fires during the summer - a great source of joy, comfort and hygge.
"Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."
Batch of amber glass candles with orange and patchouli

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